この記事については Bruce Schneier 先生も “good summary” と評価されているようだが
What’s more, the voting itself was remarkably smooth. It was only a few months ago that professionals and analysts who monitor election administration were alarmed at how badly unprepared the country was for voting during a pandemic. Some of the primaries were disasters. There were not clear rules in many states for voting by mail or sufficient opportunities for voting early. There was an acute shortage of poll workers. Yet the United States saw unprecedented turnout over the last few weeks. Many states handled voting by mail and early voting impressively and huge numbers of volunteers turned up to work the polls. Large amounts of litigation before the election clarified the rules in every state. And for all the president’s griping about the counting of votes, it has been orderly and apparently without significant incident. The result was that, in the midst of a pandemic that has killed 230,000 Americans, record numbers of Americans voted—and voted by mail—and those votes are almost all counted at this stage.
On the cybersecurity front, there is even more good news. Most significantly, there was no serious effort to target voting infrastructure. After voting concluded, the director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), Chris Krebs, released a statement, saying that “after millions of Americans voted, we have no evidence any foreign adversary was capable of preventing Americans from voting or changing vote tallies.” Krebs pledged to “remain vigilant for any attempts by foreign actors to target or disrupt the ongoing vote counting and final certification of results,” and no reports have emerged of threats to tabulation and certification processes.
とまとめられている。 要するに(某現職大統領がゴネることも含めて)「計画通り」だったわけだ(笑)
The country pulled off a free and fair election without significant cyber disruptions, foreign influence or unchecked disinformation—all during a pandemic and in the face of active efforts by the president to undermine both the administration of and confidence in the election.
しかし,現職大統領がパンデミックと同列のリスクと見なされる国って。 日本の現職首相が国民からそう思われないことを祈ります。 遅いか(笑)
ぶっちゃけ70代の爺さんから70代の爺さんに「易姓」したところでさしたる違いはないだろうし(今の時代にイデオロギー対立とか空疎),そういう対決構図になったこと自体がアメリカの政治的弱体化を象徴していると総括せざるを得ない。まぁ,日本はそれを嗤えないが(笑) いずれにせよ,誰がなるにせよ,2021年の春以降アメリカはどうするのか,が重要である。 ↩︎