公開テスト用の GnuPG v2.5 が登場

no extension

少し前の話で恐縮だが,公開テスト用の GnuPG 2.5.0 が登場した。

これまでと同じく v2.5 系で検証と改良を行い,安定版として v2.6 系がリリースされる流れだと思う。

現行の v2.4 系との差異は以下の通り。

[compared to version 2.4.5]

  • gpg: Support composite Kyber+ECC public key algorithms. This is experimental due to the yet outstanding FIPS-203 specification. [T6815]
  • gpg: Allow algo string “pqc” for --quick-gen-key. [rG12ac129a70]
  • gpg: New option --show-only-session-key. [rG1695cf267e]
  • gpg: Print designated revokers also in non-colon listing mode. [rG9d618d1273]
  • gpg: Make --with-sig-check work with --show-key in non-colon listing mode. [rG0c34edc443]
  • tpm: Rework error handling and fix key import [T7129, T7186]
  • Varous fixes to improve robustness on 64 bit Windows. [T7139]

Changes which will also show up in the firthcoming 2.4.6:

  • gpg: New command --quick-set-ownertrust. [rG967678d972]
  • gpg: Indicate disabled keys in key listings and add list option “show-ownertrust”. [rG2a0a706eb2]
  • gpg: Make sure a DECRYPTION_OKAY is never issued for a bad OCB tag. [T7042]
  • gpg: Do not allow to accidently set the RENC usage. [T7072]
  • gpg: Accept armored files without CRC24 checksum. [T7071]
  • gpg: New --import-optiononly-pubkeys”. [T7146]
  • gpg: Repurpose the AKL mechanism “ldap” to work like the keyserver mechnism but only for LDAP keyservers. [rG068ebb6f1e]
  • gpg: ADSKs are now configurable for new keys. [T6882]
  • gpgsm: Emit user IDs with an empty Subject also in colon mode. [T7171]
  • agent: Consider an empty pattern file as valid. [rGc27534de95]
  • agent: Fix error handling of READKEY. [T6012]
  • agent: Avoid random errors when storing key in ephemeral mode. [T7129, rGfdc5003956]
  • agent: Make “SCD DEVINFO --watch” more robust. [T7151]
  • scd: Improve KDF data object handling for OpenPGP cards. [T7058]
  • scd: Avoid buffer overrun with more than 16 PC/SC readers. [T7129, rG4c1b007035]
  • scd: Fix how the scdaemon on its pipe connection finishes. [T7160]
  • gpgconf: Check readability of some files with -X and change its output format. [rG98e287ba6d]
  • gpg-mail-tube: New tool to apply PGP/MIME encryption to a mail. [rG28a080bc9f]
  • Fix some uninitialized variables and double frees in error code paths. [T7129]

v2.6 系が出るまでは現行の v2.4 系が安定版としてメンテナンスされる筈なので,しばらくは現状の v2.4 系のままでも大丈夫。


暗号化 プライバシーを救った反乱者たち
スティーブン・レビー (著), 斉藤 隆央 (翻訳)
紀伊國屋書店 2002-02-16
4314009071 (ASIN), 9784314009072 (EAN), 4314009071 (ISBN)


reviewed by Spiegel on 2015-03-09 (powered by PA-APIv5)

暗号技術入門 第3版 秘密の国のアリス
結城 浩 (著)
SBクリエイティブ 2015-08-25 (Release 2015-09-17)
B015643CPE (ASIN)

SHA-3 や Bitcoin/Blockchain など新しい知見や技術要素を大幅追加。暗号技術を使うだけならこれ1冊でとりあえず無問題。

reviewed by Spiegel on 2015-09-20 (powered by PA-APIv5)