
no extension

Bruce Schneier 先生の記事より:

元ネタは Cryptocurrency Wallet (何となく嫌なので日本語で書いてやらんw) に関する以下の論文:

Abstract には

The security of individual keys was widely studied with practical solutions available, from mnemonic phrases to dedicated hardware. There are also techniques for securing funds by requiring combinations of multiple keys. However, to the best of our knowledge, a crucial question was never addressed: How is wallet security affected by the number of keys, their types, and how they are combined? This is the focus of this work.

We present a model where each key has certain probabilities for being safe, lost, leaked, or stolen (available only to an attacker). The number of possible wallets for a given number of keys is the Dedekind number, prohibiting an exhaustive search with many keys. Nonetheless, we bound optimal-wallet failure probabilities with an evolutionary algorithm.

とあるが, Bruce Schneier さんが指摘される通り,これはもっと一般的なアクセス制御に関わるアカウント情報や暗号鍵の状態についても応用可能となる。 すなわち:

safeOnly the user has access,
lossNo one has access,
leakBoth the user and the adversary have access, or
theftOnly the adversary has access


Once you know these states, you can assign probabilities of transitioning from one state to another (someone hacks your account and locks you out, you forgot your own password, etc.) and then build optimal security and reliability to deal with it.

というわけだ。 件の論文はこの4状態とその関係を定量的に評価している点で素晴らしく,他のセキュリティ評価にも使えるため “It’s a truly elegant way of conceptualizing the problem” と絶賛されているのだろう。



ブルース・シュナイアー (著), 井口 耕二 (翻訳)
日経BP 2007-02-15
4822283100 (ASIN), 9784822283100 (EAN), 4822283100 (ISBN)

原書のタイトルが “Beyond Fear: Thinking Sensibly About Security in an Uncertain World” なのに対して日本語タイトルがどうしようもなくヘボいが中身は名著。とりあえず読んどきなはれ。ゼロ年代当時 9.11 およびその後の米国のセキュリティ政策と深く関連している内容なので,そのへんを加味して読むとよい。

reviewed by Spiegel on 2019-02-11 (powered by PA-APIv5)