「人工知能と信頼」〜 鉄腕アトムとは友達になれない
我らが Bruce Schneier 先生の最新エッセイが面白かったので紹介するふりをして戯れ言を書いてみる。
- 信頼には対人信頼(interpersonal trust)と社会的信頼(social trust)の2つがあり,私達はしばしば両者を混同してしまう
- 人工知能(AI)によってこの混同が拡大する
- AI システムを管理している企業はこの混同に便乗して私達を利用する
- 社会への信頼を生み出すのが政府の役割(=規制)である
Not regulating AI, but regulating the organizations that control and use AI.
AI and Trust
と言うのだ。 もうのっけから面白い!
まずは対人信頼(interpersonal trust)について。
When we say that we trust a friend, it is less about their specific actions and more about them as a person. IIt’s a general reliance that they will behave in a trustworthy manner. We trust their intentions, and know that those intentions will inform their actions. Let’s call this “interpersonal trust.”
AI and Trust
つまり「◯◯さんは人として信頼できる」というのが対人信頼なわけだ。 それに対し,社会的信頼(social trust)については
We might not know someone personally, or know their motivations—but we can trust their behavior. We don’t know whether or not someone wants to steal, but maybe we can trust that they won’t. It’s really more about reliability and predictability. We’ll call this “social trust.” It’s the ability to trust strangers.
AI and Trust
と書かれている。 たとえば企業が「顧客サービスは信頼が大事」などというときの「信頼」は対人信頼ではなく社会的信頼ということだ。 そして
Because of how large and complex society has become, we have replaced many of the rituals and behaviors of interpersonal trust with security mechanisms that enforce reliability and predictability—social trust.
AI and Trust
と続く。 しかし対人信頼と社会的信頼はひと括りに「信頼」と呼んでるため両者を混同してしまう。 カテゴリーエラーが発生するわけだ。
We might think of them as friends, when they are actually services. Corporations are not moral; they are precisely as immoral as the law and their reputations let them get away with.
AI and Trust
私は上に引用した文章で爆笑してしまったよ。 企業は法律と同じくらい非道徳的だってさ。 言われてみればそうだよね(笑)
Corporations like that we make this category error—see, I just made it myself—because they profit when we think of them as friends. They use mascots and spokesmodels. They have social media accounts with personalities. They refer to themselves like they are people.
AI and Trust
ここでようやく AI が出てくる。
Science fiction author Ted Chiang writes about it. Instead of solving all of humanity’s problems, or wandering off proving mathematical theorems that no one understands, the AI single-mindedly pursues the goal of maximizing production. Chiang’s point is that this is every corporation’s business plan. And that our fears of AI are basically fears of capitalism.
AI and Trust
And near-term AIs will be controlled by corporations. Which will use them towards that profit-maximizing goal. They won’t be our friends. At best, they’ll be useful services. More likely, they’ll spy on us and try to manipulate us.
AI and Trust
そして,企業に制御される AI は以下の2つの理由で悪い方向に転ぶと予測する。
The first is that these AI systems will be more relational. We will be conversing with them, using natural language. As such, we will naturally ascribe human-like characteristics to them.
AI and Trust
The second reason to be concerned is that these AIs will be more intimate. One of the promises of generative AI is a personal digital assistant. Acting as your advocate with others, and as a butler with you.
AI and Trust
It’s no accident that these corporate AIs have a human-like interface. There’s nothing inevitable about that. It’s a design choice. It could be designed to be less personal, less human-like, more obviously a service—like a search engine . The companies behind those AIs want you to make the friend/service category error. It will exploit your mistaking it for a friend. And you might not have any choice but to use it.
AI and Trust
私達は AI によって「信頼」を混同したまま強制されるわけだ。
Corporations are profit maximizers, at the expense of society. And the incentives of surveillance capitalism are just too much to resist.
AI and Trust
The more you can trust that your societal interactions are reliable and predictable, the more you can ignore their details. Places where governments don’t provide these things are not good places to live.
AI and Trust
“not good places to live” って今の日本社会のことか(笑)
Government can do this with AI. We need AI transparency laws. When it is used. How it is trained. What biases and tendencies it has. We need laws regulating AI—and robotic—safety. When it is permitted to affect the world. We need laws that enforce the trustworthiness of AI. Which means the ability to recognize when those laws are being broken. And penalties sufficiently large to incent trustworthy behavior.
AI and Trust
そのために多くの国が AI 規制について議論しているが,そこに大きな間違いがあるという。 つまり
Many countries are contemplating AI safety and security laws—the EU is the furthest along—but I think they are making a critical mistake. They try to regulate the AIs and not the humans behind them.
AI and Trust
ということだ。 何故なら AI は人間ではないから。
AIs are not people; they don’t have agency. They are built by, trained by, and controlled by people. Mostly for-profit corporations. Any AI regulations should place restrictions on those people and corporations. Otherwise the regulations are making the same category error I’ve been talking about. At the end of the day, there is always a human responsible for whatever the AI’s behavior is. And it’s the human who needs to be responsible for what they do—and what their companies do. Regardless of whether it was due to humans, or AI, or a combination of both.
AI and Trust
AI とは友達になれない。 でも AI を善いサービスにすることはできる。
We can never make AI into our friends. But we can make them into trustworthy services—agents and not double agents. But only if government mandates it. We can put limits on surveillance capitalism. But only if government mandates it.
AI and Trust
To the extent a government improves the overall trust in society, it succeeds. And to the extent a government doesn’t, it fails.
AI and Trust
あれ? やっぱり日本政府って失敗してる?
Amazon や Google などが提供する AI アシスタントの最大の問題はユーザがコントロールできないことにある。 喩えるなら百貨店の外商がリアルタイムで店と連携をとりつつ24時間家の中に張り付いているようなものだ。 「外商」が忠誠を誓うのは所属する店であり,客との関係は利害の一致を基本とした信頼関係に過ぎない。 これが「執事」なら向きが逆になる。 「執事」は主人に忠誠を誓うからこそ執事として機能するし主人は執事をコントロールできる。
関係ないが 「地上最大のロボット」 じゃない「PLUTO」のアニメ版が Netflix で公開されているらしい。
- AI and Mass Spying - Schneier on Security
- オープンソースの失われた10年と「オープンソースAI」の行方 – WirelessWire News
- インターネットという単一知性
- 信頼と裏切りの社会
- ブルース・シュナイアー (著), 山形 浩生 (翻訳)
- NTT出版 2013-12-24
- 単行本(ソフトカバー)
- 4757143044 (ASIN), 9784757143043 (EAN), 4757143044 (ISBN)
- 評価
- 超監視社会
- ブルース・シュナイアー (著), 池村 千秋 (翻訳)
- 草思社 2016-12-13 (Release 2017-02-03)
- Kindle版
- ハッキング思考 強者はいかにしてルールを歪めるのか、それを正すにはどうしたらいいのか
- ブルース・シュナイアー (著), 高橋 聡 (翻訳)
- 日経BP 2023-10-12 (Release 2023-10-12)
- Kindle版
- 評価
Kindle 版が出てた!
- PLUTO デジタルVer.(1) (ビッグコミックス)
- 浦沢直樹×手塚治虫 (著), 長崎尚志プロデュース (著), 手塚プロダクション (著), 手塚眞 (読み手)
- 小学館 2004-09-30 (Release 2022-10-28)
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