The point is that it doesn’t matter which technology is used to identify people. That there currently is no comprehensive database of heartbeats or gaits doesn’t make the technologies that gather them any less effective. And most of the time, it doesn’t matter if identification isn’t tied to a real name. What’s important is that we can be consistently identified over time. We might be completely anonymous in a system that uses unique cookies to track us as we browse the Internet, but the same process of correlation and discrimination still occurs. It’s the same with faces; we can be tracked as we move around a store or shopping mall, even if that tracking isn’t tied to a specific name. And that anonymity is fragile: If we ever order something online with a credit card, or purchase something with a credit card in a store, then suddenly our real names are attached to what was anonymous tracking information.
以前に Twitter で呟いたが
市場が遵守するのは(日本では)個人情報保護法であってプライバシーではない。これは欧州のGDPRでも同じこと。市場は個人のプライバシーになど(口先はともかく)鼻くそほどの価値もおいてない https://t.co/X3qwB2IcNu
— Der Spiegel im Spiegel (@spiegel_2007) December 26, 2019