Entries in Creative-Commons
“Copyleft Trolls” とたたかう 2023
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#code #copyright #creative-commons #flickr #license #risk
Google 画像検索の CC Licenses 絞り込み機能は壊れている?
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#creative-commons #flickr #google #image #photography #search
CC と NFT に関する FAQ を翻訳してみた
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#copyright #creative-commons #license
NFT と CC Licenses
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#copyright #creative-commons #license
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#copyright #creative-commons #license
CC Licenses を悪用した新手の著作権トロルについて
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#code #copyright #creative-commons #law #risk
Creative Commons 20周年だったよ #CCTurns20
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Unicode 13 に CC Licenses シンボルが追加された
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#character #creative-commons #license #unicode
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#artificial-intelligence #creative-commons #engineering #flickr #license #moral-rights
Flickr は監視資本主義に向かわない
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#code #creative-commons #flickr #generativity #internet #photography #surveillance-capitalism
Flickr から写真を引き揚げました
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#creative-commons #flickr #image #photography #site #web
2019年 公有化に関する2つの話題
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#code #copyright #creative-commons #intellectual-property #public-domain
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#access-control #code #copyright #creative-commons #drm #gpl #intellectual-property #law
政府標準利用規約と CC Licenses
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#copyright #creative-commons #license #politics
Font Awesome 5.0.11 で Creative Commons アイコンに完全対応した
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#creative-commons #font #site #web
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#anime #code #copyright #creative-commons #intellectual-property #law
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#artificial-intelligence #book #code #creative-commons #hacker-ethic #intellectual-property #law
State of the Commons 2016
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#creative-commons #free-culture #sotc
新しい CC Search が登場,他
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#creative-commons #photography #public-domain #search #tools
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#code #creative-commons #generativity #internet
CC Licenses における『技術的保護手段』の扱い
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#copyright #creative-commons #drm #license
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#creative-commons #license #site
「2004年」に留まり続ける日本の Creative Commons
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#code #copyright #creative-commons #free-culture #license
「PHOTO METI PROJECT」の利用規約が変わっていた
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#code #copyright #creative-commons #free-culture #license #politics
経産省は CC Licenses を知らない? (追記あり)
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#code #copyright #creative-commons #free-culture #license #politics
Google 八分とファッションとしての CC License
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#creative-commons #google
二次的著作物と CC Licenses
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#copyright #creative-commons #derivative-works #license #tpp
人格権と CC Licenses
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#copyright #creative-commons #license #moral-rights
週末スペシャル: 「あかつき」金星の衛星になる
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#akatsuki #astronomy #creative-commons #free-culture #information #jaxa #sotc #venus
週末スペシャル: The TPP must be rejected.
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#astronomy #code #copyright #creative-commons #dot-net #editor #engineering #intellectual-property #ntp #planetarium #security #tpp #vscode
Creative Commons Licenses
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#copyright #creative-commons #license
今日の戯れ言:TPP 大筋合意
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#code #copyright #creative-commons #git #intellectual-property #politics #tpp
CC BY-SA 4.0 now one-way compatible with GPLv3
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#code #copyright #creative-commons #gnu #gpl #intellectual-property #license
text.Baldanders.info 正式オープン
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#creative-commons #github #hugo #license #policy #site